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Type : Digital Code Valid Location : Global Expiration date : 30 Days (Pastikan redeem kode anda sebelum 30 hari sejak pembelian) Cara redeem kode oculus gift : silakan masukkan kode di atau Tap Redeem Gift di Oculus Store Enter the code, then tap Redeem Gift. As a member of the renowned RUINSMAGUS Guild, your goal is to help strengthen it with magic, resources – and wisdom! – as you embark on more than 25 unique, story-driven quests. Face off against guardians tasked with protecting the ruins from intruders – and solve the deadly puzzles hidden within. When you've succeeded, head to the surface to acquire new items and upgrade your equipment in town – if you want to live another day, that is! Features Jack In: Immersive VR mechanics bring your character to life. Make your Mark: More than 25 story-driven quests to challenge your skills. Feel the Power: Unleash 16 unique spells from the palm of your hand. Defend Yourself: Raise your shield with your non-casting hand to block enemy attacks. Explore and Fight: Cast and blink your way through a stunning VR fantasy world. Load Up: Equip armor, gauntlets, and shields to stack the odds in your favor!

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