Deskripsi Produk
**TRANSAKSI VIA GIFT - PASTIKAN USERNAME ANDA BENAR** **TRANSACTION VIA GIFT - MAKE SURE YOUR USERNAME IS CORRECT** **Langkah Pemesanan:** **Ordering Steps:** 1. Cantumkan username (@) Anda dengan benar. Kesalahan penulisan menjadi tanggung jawab pembeli. **Enter your username (@) correctly. Any spelling mistakes will be the responsibility of the buyer.** 2. Gamepass akan dikirim melalui fitur Gift. **The Gamepass will be sent via the Gift feature. 3. Ketemuan di private serve sayar. **Meet in my private server.** 4. Pembeli wajib online saat proses pengiriman. **The buyer must be online during the delivery process.** **NO REFUND / CANCEL** Terima kasih atas kepercayaan Anda! 😊 **Thank you for your trust! 😊**
Ulasan Produk
0 / 5.0
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