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Akun Sultan Pribadi {BACA DESKRIPSI!!!} - Sol's RNG & Fisch: RBL
Sol's RNG
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Rp950.000/ Akun
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Rp1.050.000/ Akun
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Sol's RNG 1. Gears: - Flesh Device - Luck Glove - Pole Light Core Device (PLC) - Present Giver - Ragnaroker - Snow Rider - Starshaper (End-game) - Volcanic Device - X-mas champion 2. Global auras: - Matrix: Overdrive - Overture: History 2× - Impeached - Symphony - Starcourge: Radiant 3× - Chromatic: Genesis 3x 3. Limited/Special/Rare Auras: - Santa Frost 27x - Express 3x - Wonderland 162x - Cryptfire - Innovator - Winter Fantasy 4. Jumlah Achievement yang telah diselesaikan: 26 5. Limited/Special/Rare Titles: - Peppermint 6. Stats: - Rolls: 2.15m+ - Play Time: 15d 02h 20m - Rarest RNG: 503,000,000 - Collected Stats: 2,039,993,810 FISCH 1. Jumlah totem yang telah terpakai: - Aurora Totem: 52 - Avalanche Totem: 2 - Blizzard Totem: 0 - Eclipse Totem: 10 - Meteor Totem: 37 - Poseidon Totem: 1 - Smokescreen Totem: 55 - Sundial Totem: 1957 - Tempest Totem: 47 - Windset Totem: 0 - Zeus Totem: 5 2. Sisa totem yang belum terpakai: - Tempest Totem: 172× - Meteor Totem: 63× - Smokescreen Totem: 28× - Sundial Totem: 494x - Aurora Totem: 2× 3. Semua skin rod (P2W/F2P yang susah didapatkan) yang telah dimiliki: - Zeus Rod: Stormbringer - Trident Rod: Stormbreaker Trident - Training Rod: Blue Trainer - RotFF (Rod Utama): Megalodon's Tooth; Cursed Fang; Forgotten Doomspire; Frostfang (Lengkap) - No-Life Rod: Frostmourner - Heaven's Rod: Heaven's Love; Heaven's Savior 4. Rod P2W: - Fischmas Rod - Frost Warden Rod 5. Limited/P2W Boats: - Fischmas Speedboat - Serpent Cruiser - Dr. Glimmerfin's Boat - Santa's Jetski - Volcanic Research Boat - Holiday Themed - Speedboat - Orca Boat - Fishscale Waverider (Boats Utama; Limited - 1799 Robux) - Swan Boat - Snowmobile Jetski - Pride of Fisch - Sleigh 6. Limited/P2W Lanterns: - Eternal Lantern of Abyss - Lunar Fire Lantern - Trident Lantern - Orca Lantern - Wavecrest Lantern - Aurora Lantern - Frostfire Lantern - Holiday Candle Lantern - Wintsr Ghost Lantern 7. Hampir semua rod telah dimiliki, kecuali rod berikut: - Brick Rod - Precision Rod - Resourceful Rod - Riptide Rod - Seasons Rod - The Lost Rod - Wisdom Rod 8. Catatan tambahan: - 90% bobbers yang telah dimiliki adalah bobbers P2W yang dibeli dari Limited Bobbers Bundle (hampir setiap minggu dibeli) - Hampir semua gamepasses telah dimliki kecuali Appraise Anywhere - Kelengkapan bestiary mencakupi 95.2% - Hampir semua limited bestiary telah dilengkapi, kecuali Archeological Site, FischFright dan Winter's Edge - Memiliki 5 Lunar Thread - Memliki hampir 70k catches

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