Product Description
ID. Wajib Dibaca Terlebih Dahulu 1.Wajib unlock world 2 buat unlock trade 2.Penjual akan memberi PS link 3.Units akan dikirim via trade dan siapkan 1k+ jewel atau skin/units seharga 1k buat pay tax 4.Harap cek kembali pesanan 5.Jika sudah menerima units jangan lupa konfirmasi pengiriman and berikan rating Eng. Must Read First 1.Must unlock world 2 to unlock trade 2.Seller will Sent PS link 3. Units will be sent via trade and prepare 1k+ jewels or skins/units worth 1k to pay tax 4.Please check your order again 5.If you have received units don't forget to confirm the order and give a rating
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