Product Description
(Instant delivery feature) The voucher code automatically appears in the order history after the order is successful. (CAN ONLY BE USED IN JABAR) ✔ 2.5 GB / 5 days - 1 GB National - 1.5 Gb local Total Quota 2.5GB with an active period of 5 days from the start. Enter the voucher code - 1GB Main Quota 3G/4G - 1.5GB LOCAL WEST JAVA Quota - Full 24 Hours Voucher codes can only be used/activated in WEST JAVA: - Bandung - West Bandung - Ciamis - Cianjur - Cirebon - Garut - Indramayu - Bandung - Banjar City - Cimahi City - Cirebon City - Tasikmalaya City - Brass - Majalengka, - Pangandaran - Subang - Sumedang - Tasikmalaya How to use: type *133*Voucher Code# then press YES/OK, congratulations, you can use the voucher :)
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