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Nikyu Nikyu no Mi (Paw Paw Fruit) | Grand Piece Online ||| GPO
Rp170.000/ Item
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1 (100%)
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Product Description

TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE The buyer must be level 50+ otherwise the DF will be dropped and the buyer will take it by pressing the ALT button, if the buyer is eating Devil Fruit then make sure the buyer has DF reset or 50 robux HOW TO BUY 1. After purchasing, please check the message from the seller 2. Enter the GPO game 3. Press the private server button at the bottom right 4. Enter the code provided by the seller then select Trade Hub 5. After entering the trade hub, wait for the seller to send a trade request to the buyer 6. The buyer accepts the trade in the lower left corner (trade text) 7. When finished, don't forget to confirm. Thank you ^^

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