Coba cari Game
PVP Alpha Trophy - Islands Roblox
Rp5.000/ Item
Minimal Beli
Transaksi Sukses
11 (100%)
Rata-Rata Kirim
4 jam

Deskripsi Produk

Cara Pengiriman: 1. Pembeli dan penjual saling menghubungi satu sama lain melalui chat “itemku”. 2. Penjual akan meminta code islands Pembeli. 3. Pembeli memberikan code islands yaitu 5 digit yang dapat dilihat pada menu “Explore – My Join Code”. 4. Penjual join ke Islands Pembeli. 5. Pembeli dan Penjual melakukan trading. 6. Proses selesai. Shipping Way: 1. Buyers and sellers contact each other through the "my item" chat. 2. The seller will ask for the buyer's code islands. 3. The buyer provides the island code, which is 5 digits which can be seen on the “Explore – My Join Code” menu. 4. The seller joins the buyer's islands. 5. Buyer and Seller trade. 6. The process is complete.

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